December 14, 2014 Papooh

Patience is the key to success in the SEO ranking

Patience Key to Success SEO

W e live in a world that’s pretty fast-paced, and thanks to the tremendous level of development in the field of technology, people have forgotten to have patience. The Search Engine Optimization, or the SEO industry is no different. Even though there have been dramatic changes in the way SEO is done in the past few years, one thing that has remained the same is the expectation of the SEO customers looking for immediate results. Unfortunately, these customers indeed find a way to go, though it’s highly risky and yields, if any, temporary results. This way is taking a shortcut to ranking your site.

Thanks to the lack of patience of website owners, emerged have a lot of SEO companies as well as the so called ‘SEO experts’ , who promise you quick and immediate ranking. Now, a lot of customers, to fulfill their baseless and impractical expectations, fall prey to such companies and people. They hand their site as well as a considerable chunk of money to someone they don’t know anything about, or about their past work. However, some of these people may indeed be able to rank your site considerably quickly, but unfortunately, may not be able to help it hold the rankings. Such people usually use things like:


      • Duplicate content
      • Spun or keyword oriented content (is hardly informative or engaging for the readers)
      • Blasting thousands and sometimes, millions of low quality links


Using such a shortcut may help your website get on that attractive page 1 of the big Google and other search engines, but always note that the gains made will be highly temporary and unstable. Google’s team is constantly working on finding such sites which the SEO world terms as ‘spammed till death’. And believe me, they do pretty well at doing that. Now, when they find out that your site has got on the page 1 using such techniques, which is obviously quite unethical in their eyes, they not only take you off the page 1, but may also penalize your website or may even de-index it, hurting your ability to rank your site ever again. Furthermore, even if your SEO guy uses some good quality links to diversify the link building process, a sudden change in your ranking will always catch the eye of Google, and put you under its scanner.


Patience will help you yield great, stable ranking and lasting results. Share on X


Now though we understand that it’s quite tempting to take any way available to achieve results quickly, taking shortcuts indeed isn’t worth the time or money that will go to waste once the search engines penalize you. Always remember that a stable and long term ranking and results always require patience, and good SEO campaigns usually take a considerable amount of time to show results. However, the brighter side is that such good SEO practices show lasting results, and help you enjoy the page 1 rankings for months and a lot of times, even years to come, regardless of the updates Google comes up with.

Here are some more technical reasons why you need to wait for your SEO campaign to show considerable results that will stay for a good while:

Making everything look natural

Though I am sure you would already be aware about it, I still consider it important to bring it to your notice that Google expects genuine SEO work to be manual and natural. Now, when you build thousands of links within a considerable short period of time, regardless of whether they are high or low quality, search engines automatically detect them and come to know that they have been built using some automated software and not manually. Hence, the ideal way is to build high quality links, along with keeping the diversity in mind, in order to make it look all clean and natural. Again, manual link building indeed yields much better and lasting results, but obviously takes more time. These things make it very important to do the link building slowly, which although takes more time, yields lasting and impressive results.

Indexing takes time

Another pretty basic but extremely important thing to note is that the indexing of links one builds takes time. Again, there are some options available for quick indexing but the increase the cost of the campaign significantly while still requiring quite a bit of waiting. Furthermore, again, when such quick indexing of links takes place, it may be seen by the search engines as a suspicious activity, especially when the amount of links built is considerably high. Hence, this too is something that increases the amount of time it takes for genuine SEO campaigns to show results.

Manual link building

As mentioned above, manual link building yields the best results, and decreases the chances of getting penalized significantly. Hence, it is always recommended to build high quality links, especially the web 2.0’s and other such important Tier 1 links manually. Such manual link building takes a lot more time than using automated software to get the job done but again, it is safer and achieves more effective and long term results.

On page and off page SEO

A lot of people make the mistake of buying expensive link building packages without first optimizing their site properly for the on page and off page SEO. What this results in is an insignificant change in the rankings, if at all any, regardless of the quality of links built. Hence, it is extremely important to optimize your site properly for the on and off page SEO before moving on to build links. This takes some time as well and might even require doing more modifications while the SEO campaign is in progress, in order to adopt to what’s working best for the site.

Analyzing your competition

What most people don’t realize is that analyzing the competition is an extremely important factor of an effective SEO campaign and it takes more time than they may think. Analyzing your competition (especially the ones on the top spots of the first page of the search engine) helps you discover their link building strategy and what has helped them achieve those top spots. Now, you can plan your link building process based on it, and include the high quality links that have helped them significantly as well as build some more similar ones in order to outrank them.

A final word

Unfortunately, all these things are neither considered nor followed by people who try to rank your site quickly, which results in a high level of instability of your rankings, if at all they manage to rank it, and a risk of throwing away quite a lot of money and efforts for something near to nothing. Hence, always remember that when it comes to SEO, patience is the name of the game and a bit of waiting and patience will help you yield great, stable ranking and lasting results.

What is SEO and Why you need it?


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